Google uses the single centralized account for managing all of its services such as Gmail, Picassa, GTalk, iGoogle, Desktop Search etc. Since all of these core services are controlled by one account, losing the password will easily make one's life miserable. Also trying the Google password recovery service will turn out to be useless unless you have setup the secondary account for receiving the password and you remember all the personal details that you have entered at the time of account creation.
Newer version comes with the support for latest Chrome version along with minor user interface improvements.
In such cases, GooglePasswordDecryptor helps in recovering any stored Google account password from various desktop applications & web browsers. It works on wide range of platforms starting from Windows 2000 to latest operating system Windows 7.
Features :
GooglePasswordDecryptor supports recovering of the stored Google account password from most of the prominent Google desktop applications as well as popular internet browsers. Here is the complete list of supported applications.
* Google Talk
* Google Picassa
* Google Desktop Seach
* Gmail Notifier
* Internet Explorer (all versions from 4 to 8)
* Google Chrome
* Opera Browser
Here are the highlights of top features of GooglePasswordDecryptor which makes it stand apart from other similar tools including commercial ones.
* Instantly decrypt and recover stored encrypted Google account password from prominent Google desktop applications as well as popular web browsers.
* Multi-user support for recovering Google password stored within different user accounts.
* Support recovering multiple Google accounts stored with any of the supported applications.
* Automatically discovers the supported applications from their respective install location and recovers the password instantly.
* Passwords are not shown by default for security reasons as it is sensitive data. However user can toggle this behavior using 'Show Password' button.
* On successful recovery operation, username, password along with a corresponding application store is displayed.
* Sort feature to arrange the displayed password list by username and password which makes it easy to search through 100's of entries.
* User can save the recovered Google password list to HTML file for transferring to other system or for future use.
* Easy and faster to use with its enhanced user friendly interface.
* Does not require any installation as it is standalone portable tool and can be run directly on any system.
Internals of GooglePasswordDecryptor
Each of the above mentioned applications use their own encrypted format and storage location to securely store the Google account password. GooglePasswordDecryptor uses different techniques to decrypt these passwords and present them in the clear text.
Each of these encryption formats and how to recover password for all these applications are clearly illustrated in the following research article.
'Exposing the Google Password Secrets'
Using :
GooglePasswordDecryptor is the standalone application and it does not require any installation. You can copy it to any location and run it directly.
Here are the brief usage details,
* On launch GooglePasswordDecryptor displays the current username and version of Internet Explorer.
* Next you can click on 'Start Recovery' button to recover Google account password from supported applications. If the Google password is stored through any of these supported applications then it will be automatically discovered and decrypted.
* By default passwords are not shown for security reasons as it is sensitive data. However you can click on 'Show Password' button at the bottom to view these passwords.
* Finally you can save all recovered password list to TEXT or HTML file by clicking on 'Save as Text' or 'Save as HTML' button respectively.
Note that GooglePasswordDecryptor recoveres the stored Google password for currently logged on user only. If you want to recover the password for different user then you can right click and select 'Run as' to run it as respective user.
Download :
wilmarkidz x-code
Google Password Decryptor 1.7